21 August 2008

TTT: Video Demons Do Psychotown (1989)

This is a bad movie from the subgenre of "so bad, we need to go bananas with a cool title." Not only are there no demons -- video, audio or otherwise -- in the movie, the town is actually filled with psychics, not psychos. Feeling ripped off due to a title that over-promises is never a great way to good into a film (a great way to get a few extra purchases, sure, I understand).

This one's about as fun as waiting in line. It's about a couple of college students who need to make a video for a final project for a class. They try to interview people in a town known for being filled with psychics, stumble on a covered-up murder, blah, blah. Almost nothing of interest happens during the thankfully short 80-some minutes. Even the gratuitous sex scenes (three of them!), crazy local guy and the psychic/shopkeep lady who doesn't take any shit and fail to make this remotely worth watching.

aka Bloodbath in Psycho Town
d. Alessandro De Gaetano & Michael A. DeGaetano